Friday, January 14, 2011

Happy Pre-Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

One of the perks of having your children in school is that you get to re-learn a bunch of stuff you forgot, except now you actually APPRECIATE learning it.

And I've been appreciating the peaceful methods of Martin Luther King Jr. to make changes in a government that didn't want to change. Hate and violence surrounded him, but he didn't take the bait and retaliate. He didn't give up because it was hard. He moved forward with a dream, and I think we could all use a little more of that in our lives.

So I want to wish you all a Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day today, since I will be enjoying my children on his holiday.

And just a quick reminder to weigh in on my latest This vs. That post if you haven't had a chance!


Stina said...

Hmmm. Maybe my 8 yo should learn about him. He won't though. Martin Luther King isn't part of the Canadian curriculum. We just focus on our boring prime ministers.

Angela said...

Thanks for reminding me there's no school on Monday.

Joanne said...

Dreams are great motivators, as evidenced by King. Enjoy the holiday :)

Lenny Lee said...

hi miss janet! that was a nice post. i know lots bout mr king from school. he someone i could wanna be just like cause he could know how to get wrong stuff right with words. i hope you have a really nice and fun weekend.
...hugs from lenny

Beth said...

So many years later, he is still an inspiration. Like another of your readers I'm Canadian, and my 13 year old daughter is going to a Martin Luther King memorial on Monday with some of her 8th grade classmates. I've been using this chance to educate her about that great man.

Chris Phillips said...

His birthday / my mom's are both tomorrow.

Christopher said...

If you want to read something mindblowing check out his "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" Amazing and inspiring stuff.

Margo Berendsen said...

MLK is one of my heros! "I have a dream" always brings tears to my eyes. So far, my two school age girls havent' mentioned him at all... I may have to take their education in this area in hand!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post.

'I Have a Dream' always brings tears to my eyes too.

Anonymous said...

Happy MLK day! He's an inspiration.

Sierra said...

he was certainly a force that spread independence! glad you remind your kids of such a wonderful day that needs to be remembered. ;)

Caroline Tung Richmond said...

Thanks for this lovely tribue to MLK Jr.! When I was in elementary school, my teachers did a great job of celebrating his life by reading books about him and watching videos about his life. Looking back, I'm so grateful that they did that!

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Anonymous said...

I had to giggle at Stina's comment (being Canadian too) and at your line stating you're now paying attention to history. I shall be looking up information on King now to remember. It's important that we have memorial days to never forget.

Anonymous said...

What a nice tribute, Janet.

Enjoy the time with your kids.

WritingNut said...

Great post! Happy MLK day to you too! :)