So in other news, I have been inaugurated into the blogging world with my first award. Woo hoo! Lydia Kang gave me the Beautiful Blogger Award. Go check out her blog. She's a lot of fun, and she does a Medical Monday where she describes bizarre medical disorders (she's also a doctor). One of my favorite features!

So in the spirit of the award, I pass it on to:
Jessie Oliveros
B.J Anderson
Stephanie Thornton
Beth Revis
And I was also tagged by Laurel to answer some questions. So here goes:
Where were you five years ago?
-Living in Kansas City where my husband had just finished his first year of medical school.
-One child (and I thought THAT was hard!)
-Attending my first SCBWI conference and getting my first manuscript critique from an editor (Let's just say that I haven't touched that ms since then).
-Joining my first critique group.
Where would you like to be in five years?
-Living closer to family with my husband OUT of residency and fellowships.
-Agented, published, and able to spend more time on writing.
What is on your to-do list today?
-Write this blog.
-Pick up my oldest from kindergarten.
-Take care of two cuties.
-Edit my almost-ready WIP.
-Critique some chapters for my critique group.
What snacks do you enjoy?
-Little Debbie's Oatmeal Cream Pies
-And wait, did I say cereal?
What five things would you do if you were a billionaire?
-Pay off student loans.
-Buy a house.
-Start a scholarship fund for my kids and extended family.
-Start a publishing company.
-Spend some time traveling and doing charitable work abroad.
-Boy, there's too many things to list, but I'd love to do payback within the writing community.
I pass this on to the following bloggers:
Tricia J. O'Brien
Noelle Nolan
Becca Rogers
Karen Zupancic
So just looking at my crazy days . . . what would you do with a full day to yourself? And since we're most of us writers, let's assume we're NOT going to write. I think I'd go for a long walk. Maybe go visit some museums. Find a partner to play some tennis. Go shopping!
Thank you so much for the award!! You are too sweet. :D And if I had a whole day to myself, I probably WOULD write, but since we have to choose something else, I'm going to say that I'd go for a really long run.
Thanks so much for the award! And congrats on receiving your first- yay!
So, what kind of cereal do you prefer? I used to love Cocoa Pebbles, but now I'm eating organic stuff- not so much processed food. So out went the cereal.
Thanks for the tag! :D I'll have to do these A-SAP. ;)
How I have not clicked follow on your blog up until now is a mystery!
I mean you are Royalty too! Princess Mommy! Love it!
I am excited to add you to my blogroll!
Visit My Kingdom Anytime
Oooo, I love, love, love cereal! I could eat it for every meal and never get tired of it!
Congrats on your award! :-)
Congrats on your first award (you are a beautiful blogger)!
And thanks for the tag. I will noodle those questions and toss out some answers soon. :D
Congrats on the award, well deserved!
Your five x five are great. I like the idea of giving back to the writing community!
OMG, SLEEP! That's what I'd do. That's what I want to do now. One hour of sleep last night!! I am a zombie...
Thanks for the award and for taking on all those questions! Cereal is an awesome snack, I agree.
Day to myself...I'd go out for coffee with friends, tackle a few disorganized closets, then have my youth group girls over for pizza and game night. That sounds about perfect.
Congratulations on your first award. And your accomplishments over 5 years!
I'm not sure what Little Debbies are, but they sound very snackable.
Thanks for the tag. I'll be posting my answers with Thoughtful Thursday.
I haven't had a whole day to myself for years.
The last time, I started with a massage in the morning (had a gift certificate), got my hair done, then went shopping, to a movie, came home and cleaned the snot out of the house (figuratively speaking that is--we didn't really have any snot in the house). I could do that day again.
Thanks for the tag. I'll have to make some time to squeeze these into my schedule.
Hope you have a great weekend!
I can't believe we have so many blog buddies and I've yet to make a visit over to your blog!! It's very cute!
Congratulations to all the winners! Congratulations on your award!
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