Hello my fine readers! Today, I convinced my youngest, Girlie, to film a review of a book she devoured and loved. When I asked if she would be willing to review it, she ran upstairs and immediately wrote one out. 😲That never happens! I have to pull teeth to get her to do book reviews during the school year. So clearly she loved this one (despite how nervous she was to video it).
The book that led to her first ever summer report? JUST SOUTH OF HOME by Karen Strong.
Hope you enjoy Girlie's first ever video book review!
I am a wife and mother of three who works as a chauffeur/chef/maid/evil tyrant. In between times, I write middle grade books, with a special love for all things fairy tale, and am repped by Lauren Galit of the LKG Agency. Here on my blog, I talk a lot about books, and the publishing process, plus I mix a little fun with a little inspiration, and sneak in my fascination for personalized license plates.
Wonderful review!!
Thanks, Becca! I thought she did great!
Wow! Much better than I could do :). Love that energy!!
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