The idea is to share three under-the-radar blogs that I love and then visit all the blogs everyone else mentions. Okay, ALL might be impossible, but there we are.
And before I mention my three, just a quick note to say I would choose you all if I could! *waves and smiles to everyone reading this*
First is my long-time crit partner Victoria Dixon at The Ron Empire Wants You! She focuses on writing with Asian settings, which (even though I don't use them) I think is very interesting. Plus, she's a writer of gorgeous prose. Her work always makes me jealous. ;)
Second is Saumya at Left and Write Brained. She is fun and bubbly and I always leave her blog smiling. You should visit her.
And finally, Abby at Something to Write About. I found her through the Platform-building Campaign and just adore her posts. Personality exudes from her writing, plus I learn stuff. Like how to put polls directly in your post. (Yeah, okay, I'm slow.) Point is, she has a great blog!
So who would you recommend?
P.S. Click >>here<< to enter for a chance to win The Liar Society. You have through 16 September!
Awwww. Thanks! Yes, I am definitely nichey, aren't I? In so many ways. LOL Thanks for the nod!
This IS a great blogfest :)
I'm already a huge fan of Abby and Sauyma.. I'll have to check out Victoria!
Oh, I'm not following Abby. I'll got check her out!
Janet! You have made my day. I have found a few new followers thanks to you! It means so much. I can't wait to go check out the other blogs you mentioned. I wish I had done this blog fest. It just goes to show how out of it I have been. lol. Thank you so much for the shout-out!
Hey Janet,
Thanks for stopping by my blog :) I felt the same way about having to choose just three. Everyone I follow is fantastic.
Am following you bakc and have a great weekend!
Ninja Girl
Yay! New friends--thanks, CUF! :D
Great descriptions, Janet. I thought I knew everyone...I guess not. I'm off to meet your friends.
Have a great weekend!
Nice to meet you, Janet! I don't usually participate in blogfests either, but couldn't resist this one. I can't wait to check out the blogs you listed.
Thanks for the links, Janet. I'll be hopping over :)
Learning stuff is good! I'll check them all out. Any pal of yours...
Thank you for the links! :)
Hi Janet! So great to connect with you today! :)
Hi Janet,
Nice to meet you! Thank you for stopping by my blog. I paid it forward and I am your 365th follower ;)
Happy blogfest and I'll see you in the blogosphere!
Thanks so much for breaking your normal pattern for us, Janet!
Three new people I've never met. Thanks for the links. I'll stop by and say hello to them.
This has been quite the adventure. So many new blogs! Thanks for stopping by mine.
well, i got here because of this blogfest so it works pretty good haha
This is a lovely blogfest! I love meeting new bloggers!
Great picks, Janet! I love all three of these.
Hi Janet .. appreciate very much your comment over on Stephen's .. thank you! I'm not participating and rather feel I should be .. just decided I had too much going on .. but I can see I'll be tagging along in the background, sampling new blogs ..
Cheers and I'm off to see Abby to encourage here to join with the clan .. and tag along too ..
I love your blog award 7 facts .. ie it's a low stress tag = excellent thought! - Hilary
Hi Janet..I love two of the bloggers you have mentioned, Victoria and Saumya. I will check out the third one.
oooh, Asian settings? I'm heading over to Victoria's blog right now!!
Thanks, Janet!
missed the pay it forward blog, so stopping by fashionably late! nice to meet you :)
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