Monday, September 27, 2010

Gahh! . . . Missing Pages

I've been reading the sixth and final book in a series. The tension's been building for five books now, things look terrible for the MCs, the end of the world's in sight, then . . . GAH! I'm missing a chunk of book!

I stared for a minute, read and re-read what led up to it just in case it was simply numbered wrong, flipped through the rest of the book in case it the pages were merely out of order . . . No, that confirmed it, I got two of the same section of pages.

I ran to my computer, googled the publisher, found an e-mail address and sent my humble plea. (I was so polite. You all would be proud!) Within an hour I had my response.

A new book is on its way. Hooray!

Despite the kafufel, I give kudos to the publisher. Thank you for understanding the urgency! Now if I can only wait till it comes . . .

Has this ever happened to you? How did you respond? Or how would you?


Stina said...

You mean after I finish cussing? ;)

Depends when and where I got the book from. I might have tried the bookstore I got it from, though I doubt I would still have the receipt. What you did would be the next step.

Could you imagine it was the final book of the series and the climax was missing? Definitely not cool.

Anonymous said...

Had it happen before. Bought book at yard sale. Found out pages were missing. Was able to borrow a copy from the library, so problem was solved.

Great idea in contacting the publisher. : )

Erinn said...

I've had books crumble in my hands because they publisher used cheep glue to hold the bindings together.

I might not have noticed that pages were missing. I would have figured that the I missed something in the plot and I would have kept going.

Angela said...

You were so good not to throw the book across the room. That would kill me!

MikeS said...

Never had it happen to me. Do you know how hard it was to not talk to you about the ending of that book.

Liz @ Cleverly Inked said...

I doubt I could wait. I would be off and running to the store.

Joanne said...

Wow, I haven't seen that before. I might have started at the bookstore, too, replacing the defective book. If that didn't work, the publisher would be next. Hope your book arrives soon!

Tamika: said...

That has never happened to me! Ack! I think a tantrum would have be in order:)

Talei said...

Wow, never had this happen before. That's quite a chunk missing too. I've had entire books go awol missing in transit. Hope you get it soon!! ;)

Caroline Starr Rose said...

My puppy chewed up a few pages of a library book. I spent 45m taping them back together so I could continue reading!

Melissa said...

This has never happened to me before but... I would have probably thrown the book against the wall.... calmed down and then emailed the publisher.

That's a huge chunk!

I hope the replacement comes soon!

Sandy said...

It's never happened to me before, but oh, I'd have been so very frustrated. I'm glad the publisher was so accommodating, and that the new copy will arrive soon!

Terri Tiffany said...

Great publisher to do that for you!! I never had that happen and it would totally frustrate me!

Myrna Foster said...

That has never happened to me, but I think you have more self-control than I do!

Victoria Dixon said...

Yes, I had waited for so long for Guy Gavriel Kay's latest to come out (this was Ysabel) and I got 3/4 of the way through it before it began over again. Page 1 chapter one. I took it back to Borders. Fortunately, I'd devoured 3/4 of the book fast and still had the receipt in my purse. They were very good about it and said it happens all the time. Bummer if you buy it and can't take it back, though!

Vicki Rocho said...

That's a huge chunk. I've run across books where pages were out of order some how. 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 8, 9...but not missing altogether. And such a big chunk there's no way you'd be able to piece things together.

Bethany Elizabeth said...

Holy cow! I'd be soooo mad, but I'm glad you restrained yourself. :) I might not be able to stand it. "Just send me my money back and I'll go buy another one right now!" :D

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Yep..right at the end of a thrilling book there were missing pages. To this day I still have no idea how the book ended. It's long out of print now.

Anonymous said...

That's never happened to me! Hopefully you get your new book very, very soon!

Angela Ackerman said...

YIKES! Talk about a horror story! I assume this was a new book--I wonder what happened?

Thank goodness the publisher did the right thing. Hope your wait isn't too long.

Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

Jemi Fraser said...

I might have cried!! You handled it really well! I'm impressed :)

Angela McCallister said...

I've had pages out of order before in mass market books, but not pages missing altogether. I think I'd develop an insta-ulcer! Great thinking to contact the publisher.

A.L. Sonnichsen said...

You are freakin' kidding me. That is ridiculous!!

And you are a saint.


Dayana Stockdale said...

Whoa that is crazy! I've never heard of such a thing. Way to handle it and props to the publisher for taking care of ya.