Total votes: 15
Pancakes: 9 votes; 60%
Cereal: 5 votes; 33%
Smoothie: 1 vote; 7%
Cereal, people! Cereal. How could you not choose it? So quick to fix. So many different flavors! Good at all hours, night or day. In fact, just typing this up is making me want some.
But you. With your fixation on steamy, butter-melting, syrupy gooey pancakes. Sheer disappointment, that. And a smoothie? I just can't even. (You know I'm teasing, right Amy?)
On the bright side? More cereal for me! Because I want all the cereal. All of it!
And now, in the spirit of the Olympics, on to the next debate:
I'm not a huge breakfast person, but in my house it's all about cereal. ;)
Toast!!!! :-)
Skiing!! LOL! No idea why! Take care
I love having oatmeal for breakfast...which isn't one of your options. *sighs*
I love Nordic skiing. I don't have enough balance to snow board.
I am with you on the cereal, Janet. I love it not only for breakfast but sometimes have it for other meals or snacks. Although I have to admit, pancakes are great for an occasional special treat!
hi miss janet!
for me snowboarding is way cooler than skiing. and...pancakes rule!!
...hugs from lenny
Oatmeal, with flax seed, loads of cinnamon, a scant teaspoon of sugar, and a handful of frozen berries that get all nice and soft in there and cool the oatmeal just enough so you can eat it. So cereal, right?
Also scrambled eggs with spinach, tomatoes, bacon bits, and cheese.
Two choices = too hard. :)
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