Monday, February 28, 2011

Mystery Prize Revealed

The winner of my most recent License Plate Trivia contest, Stina Lindenblatt, chose the Mystery Prize. I wanted to make sure she got it before I did the big reveal, but it has arrived!

So are you ready? For those of you who don't know, I love fairy tales. So when I found this, I was giddy with admiration for whoever thought of it. I knew I had to find a way to use it for my blog.

The Mystery Prize?

A Frog Prince!

Stina has obligingly posted a couple of pictures on her blog, Seeing Creative. Plus, you get the total bonus that it was posted at the beginning of her Cool Links Friday post. Every week she compiles a list of all the best posts over the past week for people working on their writing craft. So while you're there, check out her awesome blog or check out some of the great links she's posted. You won't regret it.


Stina said...

Wow, he definitely grow since Thursday. Now he's demanding an invite to William's and Kate's wedding. ;)

Melissa said...

That's so awesome! I bought one of those for my best friend as a gift after a guy she was with turned out to be a jerk. It was so cool to watch it shed it's frogy skin and turn into a prince!

Joanne said...

Haha, cute frog :)

Congrats to Stina ... Happy Monday to you!

Tracy said...

LMAO @ Stina!

I don't know where you found that frog/prince, but I'm so jealous. That is the most fun thing ever!!

Anonymous said...

Pretty cool!

Kenda Turner said...

Sounds like you've had a lot of fun with this one!

Chris Phillips said...

He looks hawt. Great prize.

Lydia Kang said...

Love Stina's blog! She has one of the best regular posts with useful links.

Happy Monday!

Christina Lee said...

Awesome--off to see!

Colene Murphy said...


Golden Eagle said...

That's so cute!

A. B. Keuser said...

That is so cute! What a perfect mystery prize.

Kasie West said...

Aw, that was the cutest little frog prince ever. Very clever for it to turn in water like that. I wonder if enough saliva from a kiss would've "turned" him as well. :)

Abby Annis said...

What a cute prize! :)