Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It came!

I'm sure you remember my book with the missing pages, right? Well, my new copy with ALL the pages arrived today! So it's not that I don't love you all, but I've got some reading to do.

What was the last book you read that you HAD to finish before you could become a functioning member of society again?


Candyland said...

HA! Thats awesome. The only thing I've ever HAD to finish was probably like "What to Expect When You're Expecting" :)

Renae said...

I just recently read Firelight and literally could not put it down. I love it when a book pulls me in like that. My family on the other hand, not so much. I'm so glad your book arrived.

Stina said...

Yay that you finally get to finish the book.

PERSONAL DEMON kept me reading. If it hadn't, my word count would have been much higher yesterday. Oh, and then it was TORMENT before that, and THE DUFF. I seriously have to read some books that let me work on my ms. ;)

Lindsay said...

Yay to getting the book.
I've had to pause reading for a while while I finish the wip. But the last book I couldn't put down was Mockingjay. :)

Vicki Rocho said...

Happy Reading!

Joanne said...

That's a great feeling, isn't it, when the story overtakes everything else? Let us know how the rest of the story was!

Terri Tiffany said...

I remember! Glad you can dig back into that story:)

Jemi Fraser said...

Yay! Glad it came! :)

I think Mockingjay was the most recent book to lure me away from society :)

Lenny Lee said...

hi miss janet! im happy you got that book with all its pages so now you could read the whole thing. i got a book on my birthday list that i know im not gonna put down if i get it. its called nightshade city and i cant wait to read it. read fast so you could get back her quick!
...hugs from lenny

Tamika: said...

Happy reading:)

Over the weekend I finished Jody's book, The Preacher's Bride. I couldn't put it down!

Lisa_Gibson said...

I do know just what you mean. Enjoy your reading.
Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

A.L. Sonnichsen said...

Oh, good for you!

You know, I don't remember the last book I absolutely couldn't put down. I think it might have been Marsha Qualey's JUST LIKE THAT. But that was over a year ago. Wow. Maybe my life's been too busy lately to have the luxury of reading at all hours. ;) I know sometimes I'd like to, though!


Unknown said...

Yay!!! Get to reading!!!

For me it was Matched by Ally Condie and Firelight by Sophie Jordan... addicting, couldn't function!

Tere Kirkland said...

Oh, Mockingjay, for sure. I couldn't focus on anything, knowing my nook was within a few feet of me the whole day.

Have fun with your book! Nightshade? Is that the one? I've heard good things, so I'd be interested to hear how you like it.

Tere Kirkland said...

Duh, I ought to follow the link before I assume... hope you enjoy the sixth book in its entirety!

Kenda Turner said...

Last book for me that I couldn't put down? Laurie Halse Anderson's Wintergirls. Wow...

Elana Johnson said...

Only every book I seem to pick up lately. It's a real problem. :)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Paranormalcy and The Preacher's Bride! Both were sooooo good. :-)

Celeste said...

Alec (my 3rd grader) & I just finished reading "Captain Underpants and the Attack of the Talking Toilets." It was a real page turner, let me tell you! Wedgie Power!

Anonymous said...

Definately The Forest of Hands and Teeth... I was even late picking the kids up from school because of it. Such a wonderful feeling being obsessed with a book :o)

Missed Periods said...

I couldn't put the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series down. The same thing happened when I got the Arrested Development DVDs: I was up until 2am every night and exhausted during the days.

Ishta Mercurio said...

Ha-ha! Enjoy! I remember feeling that way about The Hunger Games.

Connie Arnold said...

Hope you've been doing some good reading, Janet! I haven't gotten caught up in a book like that for a long while with so much else going on. Sounds inviting, so I may have to find one soon!

Jackee said...

Mockingjay! Way too intense for me to function as a sane human being until I had read AND processed it all. :o)

I'm glad you got your missing pages--that is just too weird! :o)

Anonymous said...

Thanks :)
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